Monday, March 1, 2010

"But Peter how do you get to NeverLand?"

.... You fly of course!

YES thats right I GOT MY PLANE TICKETS! ahh it feels so much more real now :) :) so happy!

Also 11 followers! thank you all so much !

Other Disney update.... Becca, Becky and I got a new Roommate Lisa! but im so worried we all wont be able to live together. I have been hearing a lot of people say that you can be inline together and you still wont be able to live together and i really dont want new roommate the day i move in that would be so sad. So if you guys know anything about how to make sure (other than the roommate match) we can room together that would sweet. please post here if you have any ideas....

On other cool point I was looking up stuff for Disney and ASL and i found this link ( go down and and watch the Learn Disney Sign Language!) its so cool!!

So that is about it, My Daddys birthday is Saturday so if i dont post before then HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY

P.S i got Formspring so Formspring me!!

Have a Magical Day